Thursday, March 24, 2011

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes.

let me ask you something.
what do you think when you see this picture
maybe youll think "this is a girl or a woman wearing high heeled shoes. whats so weird about it?"
yes, there is nothing weird about it cause she is just wearing her shoes.
and how about this picture, what do you think about it?
..........this is a picture of a guy wearing high heeled shoes, which is really weird because usually the ones who wear high heeled shoes are girls. but, hey, those guys wear this high heeled shoes on a purpose. surprisingly, a humanly good purpose.
do you know there is an old saying like this:
"You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes."
mark the last three words. in. their. shoes.
they (yeah, the boys) wear that high heeled shoes in order to understand what us, girls have been through.
in USA, there is a community called Walk A Mile In Her Shoes. so, what do they do and do they have connection with that picture above?
Walk A Mile In Her Shoes is a movement of thousands of men raising millions of dollars to support local rape crisis services and remedations to sexualized violence. how can they raise millions of dollars? by walking in our shoes, girls! so those men LITERALLY walk a mile in that high heeled shoes, which is not easy (of course) and really uncomfortable. but, its fun and it gets the community to talk something that is really hard to talk about, gender relations and sexual violence. they (and us) can get so many good thing from this about sexual violence, which right now is a big issue. for preventive education, it helps man to be more understand and appreciate women's experiences, which will change the perspectives and helping improve gender relationships and decrease the potential for violence. and, with this, they tell that service is available for recovery. so men are able to be a courageous partners with women in order making the world a safer place. 
this thing is really one of a kind. its not easy to get people who cares about this sexual violence issue and do something about it. walk a mile in girls shoes is not WEIRD. its actually sweet and i think every girls in the world will appreciate this movement.

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